
Wellbeing at Work: Kickstart 2018

7th November 2017

Party season is officially over, it's time to trade in turkey and wine and get back to normality in the office. Start your 2018 the right way and try some of these tips to take charge of your wellbeing at work.

Team bonding 

Joining in with team building and bonding exercises with your team can boost your overall productivity at work. Team building is a great way to get to know your team even better and have lots of fun doing it! Perhaps you can suggest more of these types of activities if you feel like your team needs a bit of a boost, they are a great way to support your overall team productivity and support systems.

Avoid neck and eye strain 

If you work in an office you may need to consider if you are properly adjusted at work, as you may be indirectly causing yourself health issues by working in an environment which isn’t suited to you. Consider if your chair is positioned properly, you shouldn’t be slouching or leaning to see your screen. Perhaps it’s time to start taking regular breaks from looking at your screen, this can cause eye strain. If you are working in a shop environment you could be causing the same issues by using the wrong posture when looking at till screens. Think about if you are following the correct health and safety procedures for your workplace, this will improve how you feel whilst at work.

Eat, sleep, exercise 

Think about whether if you are taking breaks and eating regularly. Without realising you could be missing out on vital break time, which could also affect the way you work, alongside this, other things could really be affecting how you work. Lack of sleep can also have a huge impact on your work life, perhaps you hadn’t thought about it. Exercise is super important for productivity, think about how often you exercise, could you be more active? It may be time consider this within your weekly routine.


Think about how much you communicate with your team, it is usually encouraged to communicate any issues you may have at work. If you feel under a lot of pressure for any reason you may be able to access some support, this could range from sharing some of your work load or seeking workplace support plans. Likely thing is that maybe your manager does not know that there may be difficulties, your wellbeing should come first and it’s important that you can communicate any issues that you feel get in the way of you being productive at work.