
Utilising your Team Culture to Attract Talent

9th July 2024

We recently surveyed our candidates to gain a fresh insight into what drives people when looking for a new role. A staggering 75% of those surveyed told us that team culture was one of the most important factors when considering a new role.

Keeping this in mind we have pulled together some top tips for improving your team culture for good so it is a fundamental part of your recruitment strategy and not just a buzz word.

Communication is Key

It is vital to encourage open communication across the company. This means allowing forums for discussion and feedback such as regular catch-ups, staff surveys and suggestion boxes etc. It is also important for staff to see that communication goes both ways, so allowing management to be transparent about decisions being made, fosters an environment of trust and honesty. This can be linked to your recruitment strategies by, where possible, communicating recruitment plans and involving team members in meeting and feeding back on potential recruits.

Have a Strong Set of Values

A clear set of workplace values that align closely with the companies vision, and are used in day to day decision making and interactions, are definitely something that should be used throughout the recruitment process. We have seen these be successfully used as part of forming competency based questioning as well as being publicised in new starter paperwork to ensure potential and new recruits understand the values that underpin your team culture.

Recognition and Reward 

Rewarding and publicly acknowledging when a team member has achieved success not only boosts morale and productivity internally, it can be a great way of publicising what is going on in your company on platforms such as LinkedIn. Potential recruits will do their research on you, and allowing them to see all the great stuff that is happening in the team can be a fantastic selling point when they are weighing up different options.  

Encourage Work-Life Balance

We have seen time and time again that flexibility and work life balance continue to be a top priority for job seekers. Putting in place flexible working policies, as well as fostering a culture where employees work life balance is seen as a fundamental, ensures that existing employees happiness is increased, retention should be kept high and potential recruits will be impressed with what is on offer.

In Conclusion a successful workplace culture underpins so much of a companies success, not least when it come to attracting and retaining talent. When it comes to promoting your business, building your brand and advertising for vacancies, remember to put the elements of a great team culture front and centre.