
How to Deal with Negativity at Work

11th March 2020

Long term negativity from just one colleague can cause a toxic environment in the workplace. It goes without saying that a negative work environment can impact your attitude to work and in turn, this can really minimise your productivity.

 Let’s be honest here, nobody wants to work with a mood hoover. So, we thought of some ways that you can combat negativity in your workplace. Simple daily actions can really make a huge difference!


When is negativity acceptable?

A moan can be okay, once in a while, for example your colleague may want to vent because they have a justified reason. In that case, you can just be there for them. Listen to the complaints, from here you can decide if they have a legitimate reason to complain and offer some constructive advice.

If this is happening more often than not, you may have identified a serial complainer, and now you must do something about it to keep the office environment clear of negativity!

What can you do?

Be Aware of Negativity

Identify what is causing negativity in the office.

Is it persistent?

Can it be prevented?

Once you have identified this, figure out the part you play in it.

Stop Contributing

Are you contributing to the negativity?

Even if you don’t start a negative discussion you could be enabling one by being drawn in. Something as simple as not challenging negativity can make the issue worse.

Speak up

Confront the negative situation. If you don’t agree with what the person is saying, make it clear you don’t! From here you can help that person seek advice and guidance for their problems. If that doesn’t work escalate this to your manager, give them insight into the situation, they may already be aware.

 Be the catalyst for change

If you are fed up of a negative atmosphere, make sure you are leading by example. Being positive around people will in turn encourage positive attitudes in the workplace as a whole. Simple things like saying thank you, praising good work and encouraging positive conversation in the office is a great place to start. After all, if people are feeling valued, they are more likely to feel positive.