
Having a Good First Day

1st September 2019

Congratulations you have a new role, the hard part is over! But how do you make sure that you have a good first day and make a great impression? 

1. Smile

Smiling will not only boost your mood and confidence, but it is also contagious! 

2. Remember Names

There’s nothing us humans love more than hearing our own name. Even if it means taking notes, remember your new colleagues’ names and use them at every opportunity. 

3. Display Dedication

We aren’t talking about declaring your pledging allegiance or taking an oath, but there are simple small ways to show you are dedicated to the cause. Making sure you’re early, not upping and leaving at 5:00 and offering to make drinks are all easy ways to prove you are committed to the cause. 

4. Show Interest

As you enter the office you will start to gauge who you need to make friends with and those you can put on the back burner. That may be your manager, or the colleague sitting next to you. When making conversation with these people show genuine interest, let them do the talking, ask questions and listen. It doesn’t even have to be about work. People love to talk about themselves and their experiences and opening someone up this way will develop a level of trust and friendship.

5. Take Notes (even if you don’t have to)

You may be one of these people that can remember everything off of the top of your head and taking notes feels like wasted effort, but there are actually two benefits to taking notes. One being the point made earlier, and the other being the expression of interest. When you are seen to be taking notes, the demonstrator will clock that you are keen to learn, have an interest in what they are saying and have an eye for detail. Bonus points for you!

6. Dress for Success

Everyone loves to look their best, right? It seems simple enough, listen to what the hirer tells you the dress code is and choose accordingly. It’s wise to stick to the suggested dress code on the first day, as you will stand out fixing cars in a tuxedo. However, you can still dress within the dress-code limits and also be the most fashionable in the office. Think tie clip on your tie, fitted shirts and a nice watch.